Thursday, January 28, 2010

A little punk rock for a little Rock Star

Little Emily's 6th birthday is approaching and finding a gift for the only girl kid in our family is so much fun.  She is really unique, blending the best of spunky, sweet, and sometimes a little shy.  (Oh, and I forgot smart and super-fast....she is both of those things too!)  A lover of creating masterpieces, singing, and giggling, Emily is easily the cutest, neatest, bestest niece in the world.  (Aunt Merry is not the bestest at grammer, but please bear with her...)

So, for such a special chica, I decided to try and tackle a special crafted gift (sewn actually...GASP!) from one of my most loved t-shirts from Korea, mostly because it is PINK and has HEARTS.  Duh.  We totally love pink and hearts.  I was inspired by this and this both from Kojo Designs blog and came up with this:


A skirt with pink, hearts, AND a matching mini-bag.  You know, for her phone, guitar picks, markers, barrettes, whatever.  I can just imagine her rocking out in this skirt on her Hannah Montana guitar with some cool tights and her wrist-warmers from Christmas.  And maybe a Dora pj top.  The kid has her own style and I'm proud to be her Aunt.

Can't wait to make her more stuff.  I love this kid.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Old Beginnings

After 17 years of being on the receiving side of education, I switched sides and got to run my own classroom for awhile.  Now I'm back to where it all started.  A jittery, overplanned teacher's pet is about to leave for her first day of school, again.  It seems pretty silly because I've taken science graduate classes (20 credits worth, actually!) but this is different.  Most of my classmates and my professor will NOT be of the science nerd variety.  I have a hard time relating to people who want to teach the Other subjects.  Instead of being fairly cool in a room full of geeks, I get to be the geek in a room full of normal people.  I think it just boils down to a basic fear of being accepted.  Growing up is still hard.  

When I was growing up, mom always made us take a "first day of school" picture.  In the spirit of first day traditions (including a nervous stomach and maybe even a few tears) here I am, ready to go.  I hope I have enough pencils and highlighters.