In light of the world news, of Boston, Texas, and other places where peoples' problems are way bigger than mine, I feel like complete idiot for even feeling sorry for myself. I had an especially large self-pity party yesterday. Boohoo, I don't really fit in anywhere. Boohoo, the Meetup group I was so nervous to join cancelled their event. Boohoo, I don't have any friends, I don't have a job, and they won't let me get a library card because I live in the wrong county! (I don't know where the bookstores are either. Boo freaking hoo.)
And then something sweet happened. I checked the mailbox. In it was a postcard from a friend in Boston (BOSTON, of all places this week!) It was a reminder that yes, I DO have friends. I DO fit in. I am loved. I mean, duh. And that's what the end of a pity party feels like - "DUUUUH. You're fine."
So today I'm grateful for Adam who gave me a big push forward. I'm grateful for my dogs who know when their sloppy dog kisses are needed, for phone calls with mom, and for Murphy the mule who made it clear that all he wanted in life was to be near me during chores. And for my husband and his family who keep me laughing every day about stuff that really matters, like even though blowing your nose into a hankie is super gross we should probably use them anyway and how the heck are we going to cut the top off that horse trailer? Ya know, good stuff.
The good news is that we're all loved, all the time. God is pretty incredible like that. (note-to-self for next pity party)
The other good news is, once you're moving, (according to Newton) it takes less energy to KEEP moving. And you're even harder to stop. It's all physics. Nothing special, nothing to get all emotional about, just physics.