Sunday, December 16, 2007

O Holy (Korean) Night

Some days I forget where I am. I get caught up in grading, busied by schedules and meetings, and errands. Then I go to the corner store because I need to wash my clothes and I'm out of detergent. I end up leaving the store not quite sure if I've just bought detergent, fabric softener or toilet cleaner. Then I remember where I am. I was in a funk when I went into the store. When I left, I was out of the funk because I was laughing at my "soap" or whatever it was. I am thankful for this strange sense of humor I have been blessed with by God. I also think it's funny I am currently eating pb & j straight from the jar. YUM. Does God care about pb&j? I think so.

Next year I'm bringing more decorations. My candle, tree + 1 ornament, and angel are very nice, but Rosa has asked for at least a stocking next year. She's very disappointed in my Christmas spirit this year. I try to remind her it's not about presents and decorations; she just scoffs and me and returns to her very important apartment alley watch from the window.

I can't grade anymore. I am tired. I am homesick. I am way too white and pasty, even for Korea. I am still joyful. :) (see previous post) I am (trying to be) patient. I (try to) trust God's winterwonderful plan for me. I am storing up these things in my heart.

Long lay the world, in sin and error pining...if the world can wait a thousand years for a Savior, then I can wait a few for things I want too. :) I am joyful....


  1. Hi Meredith- I'm sorry I haven't written earlier but love reading about you and your adventure (You are a great writer). We'll miss you this holiday and can't wait for your return (do I have to wait until SUMMER?!). Ok, there's a slight bit of jealousy here with you traveling to Bali - Bali will be great fun!

    Miss you :)

  2. Hi Miss Bird! i hope you had a great Christmas
    and... Happy new year!!
    I hope you will have more chance to feel more joyful this new year:)
    sorry i read this post too late.. ㅠㅠ
    then i'll see u after winter break! (hopefully):)
